Friday, November 7, 2014

Aliens and Space

This topic is completely out of my normal realm of what I always talk about on this blog. So it's not about being alone and single and how that sucks. Shocking, I know. I'll give you a moment to pick your jaw off the floor and gather yourself.

I was thinking about planets. Like the solar system and life on other planets, stuff like that. I LOVE space or in particular- alien- movies. But ironically I have no desire to see the 80s movie titled "Alien." Like all horror movies from the 70s and 80s, I saw a scene here and there in multiple horror movies like Poltergiest, The Exorcist, Alien, Nightmare on Elm street ect., due to my mom's love of them and her complete disregard that I lived in the same house as her and it was daytime and I could walk into the room at any moment in the movie. See mom? Scarred me for life. It took me 4 years to finally watch "The Walking Dead." I swore I never would, because zombies creep the hell outta me. But now I am completely hooked after one episode, and now I'm more excited for each new episode to come on TV, more than I have been about any show ever. I literally drive to my parents house every Sunday to watch in on their TV, since I don't have cable. But I love it because of the character development and incredible storylines, not the blood and gore. I don't watch horror movies that are meant to just disgust you and give you nightmares and are poorly acted and often have terrible endings, from what I hear. After I watched "The Ring" with my Dad during the daytime at home way back when, I swore those movies off forever. Creepiest movie ever. But back to aliens and space. I guess it's on my mind because tomorrow I'm going to see the newest space movie- Interstellar. Although I don't believe it has anything to do with aliens..but that could be the twist. I love thinking about what's out there. I would never want to travel to space or meet an alien face to face, but I sure love to watch movies about them. Independence Day, Men in Black, Gravity, District 9 (just to name a few off the top of my head). I love them all! Like I said, I would never want to face an alien, but it's fun to watch other people deal with them. And if I were Sandy on Gravity, I would flip the hell out and no way would I make it home like she did. (spoiler alert). Sorry, hope you already saw it.
I personally think that there are life forms on other planets. I don't think they are intelligent enough to build a spaceship with working buttons and lights and all that and fly it here, but even if they did, they couldn't breathe here. If we can't breathe in space, I think our atmosphere would crush their lungs, much like theirs crushes ours, and our faces (according to many a movie). I think literally the scariest and also realistic (if you're a astronaut), way to die would be to float around space without a tether. When the oxygen runs out, would you just fall asleep in your helmet? Or would you gasp for air and die? Not something I would want to find out. And burning up due to floating too close to the sun, well let's not discuss that! That would literally be the worst way to go, if you were still alive at that point. Wow. All things that are scary enough just watching an actor portray on the big screen... no need to experience it myself. But also why I think there is life on other planets is because, why then are there even planets to begin with? What's the point of them if no one lives on them? Maybe I should know this. Maybe I didn't pay close enough attention in science class. But I know without the sun there would be no life and without the moon there would be darkness and I think the tides would be messed up or something. But the other planets? The ones we aren't sure of what exactly is on them? What about them? Well, I think there's something there. Or some one. God didn't just make the planets for no reason. We can't even travel to most of them, which is a good thing. There's probably like some creepy creature with tentacle like arms that spits out poison onto smaller furry creatures that have razor sharp teeth... or something like that. And the dominate creatures the "people," well they speak in a language of clicks and taps and are intelligent enough to build cities with the rocks and precious metals found in their planets depths. They have their own "children" and they teach them to hunt for food and tell them that there are other planets out there with "creatures" on them as well. But none as highly involved as they are, they tell them. I guess there is "proof," aliens and spaceships exist because of all the Roswell stuff back in the 50s. So I guess some of them can fly here in spaceships. Who knows. I don't see how they have the materials on their planet to make a ship designed to come this far, but maybe I'm an ignorant human. Maybe an alien on another planet will read this blog because they have access to the internet somehow on their planet and they are saying- "you stupid human! We are smarter than your entire race put together." Well, if you are reading this, Alien sir, please do not come here and kill me. I'm just joking. You are totally capable of building a spaceship to get here and you are the ultimate intelligent race. Ok? Just don't hurt me please. Thank you. Good night and good luck.

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