Thursday, January 1, 2015

Oh 2008!

I found a little notepad when I was cleaning and on the first page, (as well as the only thing written in it), was a list of my 10 favorite things of 2008. I believe it was written in the summer time, based on some of the entries. Here they are:
1. Meeting Joshua Radin
2. Steak n'shake cheeseburgers and skinny fries
3. My perfect sized efficiency apt
4. My new 27 inch TV. It's huge!!
5. Coldplay's new CD released on my birthday.
6. My super empty apartment pool and raft
7. "The Office"
8. $4.50 movies
9. The return of  blue bell ice cream
10. New friends.
I had moved back home to Texas from my 2 year adventure in Colorado, at the end of 2007. I was defeated and had lost my money, all of my friends (except my best friend from there) and an almost fiancĂ©. I had moved home for a couple months, but started out 2008 in my very own efficiency apartment. It's all about perspective. In Colorado, I had always had to have roommates wherever I lived, since I couldn't afford the rent on my own, and the only TV I had was what I could fit along with everything else I brought, in my SUV, which was a tiny one that fit on the floor of my car. That one room apartment was small, but it was all mine. In Colorado they didn't have Blue Bell Ice Cream or steak n-shake, which ended up being right by my apartment, when I moved back at the time. I also had my own pool a few feet away, no one ever came to it, it was so small and there were otheres scattered all over the huge apartment village, and a much bigger one at the country club where all the parties were held. I also met Joshua Radin, he's a singer-songwriter and my favorite male artist, for the first time. I've seen him 5 times now and met him 3 or 4 times). And the new friends I referenced, well I can say that I am still friends with one of those girls to this day. She leant me her car this week while mine was in the shop. The point is, most of these things are not huge and amazing things, they don't even seem that great to me now, but at the time they were everything. It's all about perspective. I may not have the one thing I want in all the world, but today I have far better things than even what's on this list, 6 years ago. I now live in a house, much much bigger than that efficiency apartment. My TV is much bigger than that one, 42 in. I think. Unfortunately steak n'shake is gone but Twisted Root is here and it is even better than steak n'shake. The Office is gone, but Parks and Rec replaced it...(which is about to be gone as well, but let's not speak of that, it just makes me sad). Maybe Brooklyn nine-nine will replace it. It's pretty funny, but maybe too soon to tell. Change is hard. But change can bring about better things. Better things that all of your favorite things of that year. I'm going to sit down and make a top 10 list for 2014. Maybe in 6 years I'll read it and think how awesome it is that my "favorite things" are nothing compared to what I have now. That's going to be be fun. Looking forward to that. Also looking forward to discovering more new favorite things this year. Things I haven't even thought of yet, or haven't even experienced yet. No matter how small, every year brings newness; new favorites, new experiences, new people. You gotta be grateful for every little thing you have... even if it's just ice cream and cheeseburgers.

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