You hear a lot when you don’t have music playing in your
ears. If I’m out like a grocery store or even these past 8 days at the lake, I’m
usually rocking my Bluetooth headphones. If I’m writing, sometimes I absolutely
can’t have music in my ears, especially music I know the lyrics to, because it’ll
totally distract me. But sometimes I most definitely have to have music
blasting in my ears, like at the grocery store. In no way shape or form do I
want to hear a screaming toddler who you’ve taken out to the store during their
nap time, you cruel cruel parent. But I do love the sound of silence sometimes.
Walking today on a sunny 62 degree day, is about as perfect as it can be. It's Day 9 on my trek around the lake and I'm walking music-less today. All I hear are the
sounds of feet pounding the pavement, bicycle tires spinning by me, ducks
quacking and the line or two of someone’s conversation. Those sounds aren’t too
bad, I have to say. I could’ve done without the couples hand in hand and the
occasional one making out on a bench like this is your private backyard, but whatever.
I feel like this one lady said to her man on purpose right in front of me- “I
think it’s gonna be a good year.” Yeah probably for you. You have someone right
next to you holding your hand. I literally can’t remember the last time someone
held my hand, like I can’t at all, I’m not even joking. I can’t remember what a
kiss feels like either, or what it feels like to be held by another human being,
but let’s not delve into that right now...
On my walk I came across this statue. From afar it looked like a man, shirtless, but holding his shirt for some reason, and walking with a cane. On closer inspection, he is holding a shovel and underneath it, it says that it's a memorial to those men who helped to build around this great White Rock Lake. They "moved earth planted trees, crafted stone and built structures that remain a lasting legacy of service to their community and nation." I think "nation" is a stretch. And I wonder if there were any women that helped? Oh I'm sure some asked, but the men were like, "no, stay in the kitchen where you belong." I kid I kid... sort of. It was the 1930s...but nonetheless, thanks men for the wonderful lake. It really is pretty amazing. I've loved investigating all sides these past 9 days. Right next to this statue is where all the geese, goose, ducks and pelican hang out. It's like one big party. One loud party.
The white pelican apparently flocks here for the winter from
as far North as Canada…according to some lady who wished me a “Happy New Year”
and who I got into a 15 second conversation with. I confirmed it on Google. Yes
indeed they do. They are gorgeous and HUGE! Here’s a picture, but it doesn’t
do their size justice. She said they come to this exact spot every winter, but
they don’t know why. It’s this little area between the shore and some tall
grass, like a little enclave. They were meticulously cleaning themselves when I
got here. They’re just so large it’s insane they can fly all that way! I would
just think it would get kind of tiring with a heavier body than say a regular bird. They
are very loud right now, squawking away. And then the ducks and the geese join
in as well, begging for bread on the shore, and it’s now one noisy bird choir.
Throw in the pigeons flying in in unison, it’s like a damn Broadway
performance. I think it’s the gooses or geese, that are being the loudest. Honking
away. I’m sure they get fed so very well. Little kids chase them as they spread
out their wings as wide as they can, I guess trying to make themselves bigger, and waddle away. It seems the geese get louder and louder once they realize no one has any bread for them. They are pissed . They aren't afraid to walk across the street though. Bikers and cars stop for them, but I stood there with my hands out because it didn't really seem like they were going to stop for them. Stupid people in cars. It was fun to watch them, though. They're so loud and demanding. I can't imagine being like a goose. They aren't afraid to let you know when they are mad or that they want something or want to let another goose know they want their attention. Good for them. I'm more like the solo duck that's out in the water all by itself, not really giving a fuck . remember him?? (side note, am I not allowed to type the word fuck? because it will autocorrect it to duck or puck about 15 times before it lets me say fuck. Well puck you...I'm tired of retyping it)
Tomorrow's my last day... on Earth. Kidding. It's my last day on my 10 day journey around the lake and around myself... or something less cheesy than that. We'll see what the lake has in store for me tomorrow. Until then, good night and good luck.
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