Monday, October 29, 2012

Ugh...meeting people...

If only there was a way to find your soul mate without going out and meeting people...sure if you're Indian or some other culture, your parents could set you up. Or maybe if you're friends would set you up with someone, like you've asked them a million times, you might find "the one" that way. Or there's mail order brides. I'm guessing that's a real thing, I haven't done the research. But outside of that, you're on your own! It's annoying, really, when so many of your friends met their husbands at 19 at college, where there was a plethora of men...unless you went to Baylor like me and the girls out numbered the boys 10 to 1. But all of my friends that went to Baylor are married...and most met them there, so...I guess THEY beat those odds! The rest of us are thrown to the wolves in the dating world of Dallas, or some other big ass city.
I went to a meetup group on Friday. It was my first. It was a movie group at some guy's house with a movie room. I went expecting some older people, like in their 40s, I was prepared for that. But what I wasn't prepared for was everyone to be in their 60s. I felt like that little boy in Cocoon. Surrounded by geriatrics. I laughed when I left. What else could I do? I did stay the whole movie, though, through all the obvious questions asked by people who didn't understand Flashbacks. It was a depressing cult movie, and there was nudity, which was awesome with gramps and gran. I wish I could get those 2 hours back, especially since the movie was so bad. This rarely happens to me. I always pick movies that I think look really good and I'm always right. I actually didn't particularly want to see this particular movie, but I did want to meet some people, so...I took a shot. The next day was another movie meetup. I sat next to a nice Indian lady who was probably in her mid to late 30s, so much closer to my age, and she was really interested in my job, so that was at least something.
I'm trying to remember the last time I really enjoyed a group activity with strangers or even with people I know...but I'm drawing a blank. Especially if these friends I knew also had their significant other at said event. This sucks for me. Because it's more reminders that I'm alone, and I don't need that shoved in my face. I wish I could be "okay." I wish positive thinking worked, but it doesn't. Not all the time at least. I think some people are naturally positive, or they've faced certain death and overcome it, so everything else is a gift and overcoming singleness is like getting over a light cold to them. They don't get it either, because they haven't been single for 6 years, or even if they have, they have such a large community of friends or dates knocking down their door, that it's so easy to be "single" for them. I feel child-less, friend-less and mate-less. Of course I HAVE friends, but I either don't get to see them often because they don't live close enough or they're too busy enjoying their life with their mate, child, and other more important friends.
So what choice do I have but to go out and meet more new people?? More people to be my friends for awhile, until they meet "the one" and suddenly don't have time for me anymore. And so the cycle continues. I don't care that I'm complaining. It's not really for anyone to read, and if they have, I'm sure they have stopped reading by now anyway! I would've ;o) I guess I'm doomed to continue the cycle of trying events and groups and failing miserably. Because going in there with an open mind and positiveness, hasn't gotten me anywhere. And if I go in as a grump, I know no one will want to talk to me. I go in timid and shy, as my nature. But I smile and introduce myself. Don't know what else I can do. If I could have the same 5 friends and see them every weekend I would be the happiest girl in the world. But sadly my life isn't a sitcom like "Friends," or "Happy Endings." Instead, I take what I can get. That hour or so with a friend I hardly see...or text messages from my bestie who lives 7 hours away. They are more often than all the face time put together from my other friends, so it's definitely better than nothing!
I keep trying. I suck at talking in groups. My voice fades into the air like a whispering wind, but I try. I suck at coming up with things to talk about with people who aren't already my friends. I forget how I met my current feels like it was by accident. So maybe more accidents will come. Maybe someone will notice me, even though there's nothing that special about my looks to stand out at them. But maybe someday someone will say, "damn girl, those eyes!' like a boy in Colorado did once...of course we were already dating, so maybe that isn't the best times...
But until that day, when I meet someone who wants to talk to me longer than 5 minutes, I guess my choices are stand still and do nothing, or at least try by being places in the world. There's always a small chance that my luck will change. Maybe in 2013. It's an unlucky number to most. But my unluckiness is the the past 6 years, so maybe 13 will have the opposite affect on me. Maybe it'll be my lucky year! I'm hoping for that. And I could definitely use a little hope...

Wednesday, October 17, 2012

Gosh darnit someone lay on top of me!

Blogging is my form of therapy. Outside real therapy, that is. It really helps me to get my thoughts out and into the oblivion. Yeah I've journaled all my life in paper form, it actually started when I broke my leg the day before my 13th birthday and my summer was of course ruined and I couldn't go to church camp with my best friends thus changing our relationships forever, having missed out on that bonding experience. So, journaling was my escape and my venting vehicle. Plus I've always loved to write. I wish I had become a real writer, gone to school for it and everything, but I didn't, so, I'm not. I'm writing 2 screenplays, though, that I will be forever writing, I fear, but it's cool, it's a process. But back to journaling. There's something about it. It may help for a second, but it's still there. The actual journal is in your house, so unless you burn it or  destroy it physically some way, it's still there lingering and continuing to infect me with it's presence. I love Internet blogging because it's going out into the Universe. Anyone can read it, which I don't really mind because it's not like people are commenting how dumb this is or anything. It's for me, but if someone likes it, well, I'll never know, but that would be great too. I love sending my words out into the void and letting them go. Letting them disappear. They are not saved on my computer. They are out in the nebulous void or wherever the Internet goes when I'm asleep...
So tonight I got me a little church and I feel a bit uplifted. It's more the presence of the people and hearing the songs I used to sing in youth group at church way back in the day. This church also does communion where they look at you directly in the eye, and say a blessing and dip the wafer in the fake wine and place it on your tongue for you. I love that experience. I think I go mostly for that one-on-one communion time. Nobody ever looks me in the eye like that and says something lovingly and feeds me. It's kinda sad that I'm so lacking in that intimacy, that I look forward to communion for that reason, because I know that's not what it's really about; but ya gotta do what ya gotta do and ya gotta take what ya get! Fun times...I liked the sermon about having the courage to be yourself. I've touched on this before. I know who I am and that I'm not changing, but courage to show others who I am is often hard. I don't try to pretend to be what I'm not, but I think I'd rather stay in my shell and be a mystery to all, than let people see my quirkiness and be rejected, called weird or ignored entirely. I grew up in church, yet it's hard to find your place in it. I think it's worth trying to find, though. It makes way more sense to me than seeking the universe for answers or sending positive thoughts out into the void and expecting that to come back to me. I don't even know how to explain it, that's how outside me it is. It deals with words like vortex and grid and I'm not gonna knock it since I can't even explain it or understand it one bit, but I think the whole Jesus dying for my sins and God the Father and all that is plenty enough for me. I'm sure tons of people can't grasp that concept or idea of one person dying for our sins, and that's understandable, so I'm okay with not "getting" all that Universe "secret" stuff or positive energy or whatever, and am just sticking with prayer. I'm pretty upset that God's not listening to my one request my whole life, and then turning around and giving it to everyone around me, but I do not know the plan for my life and nor do I want to know everything. I would like to know one thing. or 2 in fact. Will I ever get married and will I ever have children? Outside of that, it can all be a mystery. But sadly I can't know. I have to have faith and trust that what will be will be and that I will survive being alone forever if that's the case. I feel, though, that my body and spirit are dying (not to sound too over dramatic), from lack of love. Lack of face to face contact with people that love me so dearly, on a daily basis, and hand to hand, body to body contact. Not getting detailed here, but I'll say it...someone hold me gosh darnit! LOL. You thought I was going somewhere else with that, didn't you? I kinda feel like my organs are shutting down from this lack of physical touch, but c'est la vie. Outside of one night stands and prostitution, I don't know what else I can do! kidding. Prostitutes don't get held! sorry prostitutes...but anywho, my burden to bear now....and still... is singleness and please God Almighty not for forever I hope! Mama's dying over here. And I'm too much of a good little Christian girl to just take that from anywhere. Like I said, my burden to bear...I'd really like that weight lifted off soon...or put on top of me ;o) LOL fun times...

Friday, October 12, 2012

"never going back again"

I love taking lines from a song and making them about me, or something I'm going through or relate to my life in some way. I like to believe that the artist wants this to happen. Sure it's based off their own life, but I think they sometimes write so vaguely so that you can put your own meaning behind it. That's why I don't like country songs because they're so literal. They just tell a story, and usually it's a love story, between a guy and a girl and someone wronged someone. Bore snore. Folksy songs hint at things and have real live feelings in them, but you can always take a line and apply it or compare it to your life in some way.
I love these lyrics- "been down one time. been down two times. I'm never going back again."

But let me jump back to a few days ago: The creeping had overtaken me. It had gotten deeper down. I felt like I had blinked and I was in the pit again. I couldn't even shout " Colorado," in OneRepublic's song "Good Life," which I ALWAYS shout out in my car when it comes on the radio, because I love Colorado so much and it just makes me happy to shout it out, like Colorado can hear me. That song is my ringtone. I think that moment was when I realized it had crossed over into bad territory. I don't know how I got out of it. That night after work, I ate a lot of pizza and zoned out and watched my shows, and turning my brain off for awhile sometimes reboots it. If I can stop thinking about how I feel like every one's too busy to hang out with me, (but which started to feel like they don't really want to). And how much I would love to jet off on a weekend trip to Jamaica with my husband, but can't because I have no husband...well, if I can get through thoughts like that, and make it to the other side; well, then I'm in pretty good condition.
I wish it was as easy as the lyrics to that Fleetwood Mac song. I take it literally to heart. "I've been down one time. I've been down two times...I'm never going back again". I wish speaking it was all I had to do. Like it would come into existence by merely stating it, like some magic quote seen in the show "once upon a time." I'd probably need some fairy dust or purple smoke of some kind, but that seems easy enough to get. I wish I could snap my fingers and just be okay with being alone forever. I feel like I'm supposed to be, for some weird reason. Like if I'm not, then this person can't come into my life. Like they are standing outside this invisible force, this wall, and the can't break through. They're not allowed to enter until "Christie is okay being single forever and is happy with her life staying exactly the same forever, even if that means being 80 and being surrounded by cats." And guess what? Christie has never been okay with that. Not when I was 5 playing house with my cabbage patch dolls and I couldn't decide between the name Brian or Ryan for my baby, and not in this present moment and nor will I ever be in the future. I'll be 80 and still hoping for "the one" to show up and still praying that I can have a child..maybe by then medical science will have caught up AND people live to be 150. haha. I am NOT saying that I don't have a blast doing whatever I want and living the single life the way I want to. I totally do. I just know in my heart that I'm a wife and a mother without a partner or a child. It's a hard place to be at 31, when everyone already got that before the age of 30, and most already have kids. Well, there's nothing I can do about it, other than to live my life and take chances out there in this crazy world and see what happens. I can't live in a pit. I can't live vicariously through my favorite characters on my shows. And I certainly can't live my life thinking that having that is the only thing to life, because it's not. I still don't fully get that, because it sure seems like being married and having a family is the most important thing in life. The main reason being, in a healthy family, love is being given and received all the time, on a daily basis. And right now it feels like I'm flinging love out there and it's not making it anywhere, or like falling to the ground, not sticking. And when it does stick, I may get a little back from one of my babes in a hug or sweet smile and "I love you," when I say it to them or tell them to say it. Or I may get a text or fb comment from a friend, but it doesn't feel like like the all-consuming love of someone holding you in bed or kissing you hello after a long day apart, or carrying that sleepy child up the stairs, when they're too big to be carried anymore, but at least you get that hug maybe you don't get so much anymore from them, since they say they are "too big." That was a long tangent I know. I have a very active imagination, can't you tell? I don't need to create Sim City on some computer game. It's all in my head. I teach my imaginary kids how to live a good life, in my head. I teach them life lessons, and I picture how I will spend my nights with the future love of my life, with whom I share a name, or a bed at least. In our house. Let me make that very clear. haha. But I digress into my own fantasy world. Will leave this up to my dreams tonight. I'm sure they'll be filled with all things wonderful. My dreams are as detailed as those in the movie Inception. Like I said, I have a very active imagination...   

Tuesday, October 9, 2012


I hate that feeling when you feel that feeling creeping up on you again. If that made no sense to you, and you have no idea what I'm talking about, then you probably shouldn't continue reading, because the rest of this blog might as well be written in Mandarin or Chinese, to you...unless you speak that language. I'm unclear if there's a difference in those, or if they are the same thing. But that's beside the point.
I'm very much aware when I'm having a feeling, that it's happening, but I can't always give it a name...or at least an interesting one. I can sometimes describe it. This isn't feelings of hunger, or on the opposite end of the spectrum, the feelings that Dexter has and has named his "dark passenger," which almost always ends badly. Nothing like that. It's more like the bummness starts to creep in. It's usually build up to that point, though. By tiny things or not so tiny things. Today I felt like it was creeping in because my attempts over the last few weeks to hang out with the few friends I have has reached a great total of 0 accomplished...out of 10 attempts. I know everyone has lives and is really busy and it's not personal, but it's a real bummer not feeling special enough to someone. And my friends think I put too much pressure on myself to get married and think that I want it way too much. Well...would I have 0 out of 10 hang-out times if I was married right now, over the past few weeks?? I think not! We wouldn't be married in the first place, if he never hung out with me. It's hard not to take it personal. It's hard when you know your friends are spending the majority of their free time with their significant other, and you're just left behind like...I can't even think of an analogy, I'm so bummed.
It's hard when you can't see your best friend as much as you want, because she lives 5 hours away and in a few weeks, 8 hours away. But she has a newborn and an almost 2 year old, and yet she talks to you more than the people that live in the same city as you. (well, texts, but that's "talking" these days. And if text didn't exist, we would hardly ever get to talk at all because of the little ones). I'm grateful to have friends at all, but I sure do feel left behind. I'm standing in a room full of clothes laid out perfectly, like the person wearing them vanished. Bam. There's the analogy!
I feel like my friends have reached this huge goal in their lives and I'm like miles behind them on the track, and nowhere near the finish line. Meanwhile they've gone out for ice cream and taken a shower, and are about to get into bed. All literal, by the way, and all WITH someone. Ice cream used to be a code word a boyfriend and I had, meaning "let's go make out." Ahhh the good old days.
I can be distracted from the bummness turning into anything serious, most of the time. But the bummness still stays there, stagnantly waiting. Sometimes blogging helps, like I am trying now, and sometimes I just need to go to sleep and see what awaits in my dreams. I love my dreams, for the most part. I have a lot of dreams that I'm kissing someone or holding their hand, and a lot of times they are a celebrity, but not to me. They are just mine! And it's camera never works in my dreams. I always say, I want to prove that this really happened; that I have someone, but the camera doesn't work...and it never dawns on me that it's a dream. That's what's so great about them. Real life is real and you know it's real. But dreams; anything could happen. And your mind doesn't know this. It thinks it's real. My dreams don't have to come true in the literal sense. I don't want to be with a real celebrity, because obviously they are not their characters on my favorite TV shows, but it would be nice for the idea of my dreams to come true. Someone to hold my hand. Someone not afraid to kiss me in public. Someone with eyes only on me and not on the other people in the room. That would be nice. And then the feeling of bummness won't be creeping in so much anymore.

Wednesday, October 3, 2012

Random sayings and wonderings

I always see these two really old and worn down pennies in the grass and gravel mixture by my garage. I think of the old saying "see a penny pick it up, all day long you'll have good luck." I don't know where that saying came from originally, but for me, it came from the movie musical Grease. Marty picked it up and gave it to Kenickie, he dropped it, bent down to pick it up and then Danny Zuko opened the car down and accidentally knocked him out, thus proving this saying has no validity. I used to pick up pennies, but usually nothing good nor bad happened. They're always no different than any other days, so I stopped picking them up. My guess is that someone back in the early 1900s (as this saying seems about that old), picked up a penny and that very day, he met his future wife, then promptly stumbled upon gold in a creek somewhere and became that times version of a millionaire...all in one day. So, he said it was the penny, and thus the saying began.
Speaking of money, how much change should one have to throw in a wishing well or fountain at a mall, till their wish comes true? Or how many birthday candles must one blow out? Maybe I'm missing out on the shooting star market, and therein lies my problem. Or maybe my wish isn't specific enough. Maybe I need to be giving a date to which this wish will come true...December 31, 2012. There we go.
There are many other "sayings" or "questions" without answers, that I like to contemplate on or wonder about. One being- "If a tree falls in the forest and no one is there to hear it fall, does it make a sound?" To me that's a dumb question because of course it makes a sound! Just because there is no HUMAN there to hear it, doesn't mean there isn't a bunny rabbit or bird that hears it and inevitably runs away from harm upon hearing that bark break. What a silly question.
I was in the shower the other night and thought of another one. Maybe there is an answer to it, but I'm not willing to do the research, so I'm just gonna wonder about it. If they make baby shampoo called "no tears" meaning that it can get in the baby's eyes and it won't sting...then why don't they put that same ingredient into adult shampoos? As I was rinsing my burning eyes out from my shampoo, I was pondering this. Is adult shampoo too potent and baby shampoo just basically water?? Maybe babies heads don't get as dirty as adults, since they don't have all that hair to soak in all those germs...I don't know. Either way, I wish they could bottle that ingredient into adult shampoo...because it's a little annoying. It makes me think I'm washing my hair with some kind of poison, since it burns my eyes.
Anywho. I'm sure there's more, but that's all for right now. Catch ya on the flipside. Catch who on the side of what?? haha