Music is the heart of life. It's actually more than that. It's the spirit and soul. It gives life to life. Your heart could be beating, but it doesn't mean you're truly living or alive. In the literal sense, sure, but without a spirit or soul, you are truly dead. It's that essence to life that makes you who you are and brings real life to your bones, muscles and all those crazy systems in your body.
Music combined with dance is the ultimate experience. It moves me like nothing else. I can hardly contain the emotions and feelings inside me when I see a beautifully moving dance, accompanied by THE perfect song. Without it, dance is just a bunch of random movements.
My favorite type of music is what I call acoustic-folksy-indie-singer/songwriter genre. Artists like Joshua Radin, Ingrid Michaelson, Good Old War. Songs that have that acoustic guitar in the foreground, and maybe a solo drum of some kind. I like Bling Pilot's The story I heard, and Brandi Carlise's The Story. I like songs that evoke emotions and feelings and tell us a story in a non-country way. I don't want just sad feelings evoked. Happy go lucky ones are needed too. I love Grouplove's Tongue tied and Phoenix's Lisztomania, and of course OneRepublic's Good life. Of which I love to shout out in my car the line- " Colorado." Simply because I lived there and love that state to the ends of the earth.
Sometimes covers are better than the original artist. I can think of a ton done by the Glee cast, in which I had previously hated, when sung by the original artist, but now love because they sang it just right. Also Walk off the Earth's Somebody I used to know, is the first version I ever heard, and I think much better than the artist that wrote it/recorded it. Another example is Obadiah Parker's cover of "Hey ya." If you haven't heard it, you must. It's a much slower and more meaningful version of OutKast's song.
Some songs just have to be upbeat to make them fun. It doesn't even matter the lyrics, like Of Monsters and Men's Little Talks, or Foster the People's Pumped up kicks. A song can be a sweet, slow tune, meant to lull you into a peacful haze...until you actually listen to the words, like in Sara Bareilles' Sweet as Whole. A song has never made me laugh harder. I don't drink, but I wanted to go down to a pub with a tall brewski and sing this with all my compadres as we clinked glasses. Please youtube to see what I'm talking about. You will not regret it. Unless cussing offends you...then don't look it up, because this song is f-ing lousy with them.
Bands like Coldplay and Mumford and Sons, will never let you down. They will always be awesome. No matter how old you are. Garden State is the best soundtrack of all time, and I'm pretty sure one of the main reasons I love the movie Away we Go, is because of Alexi Murdoch's unique voice. It's like a sexy Kermit the Frog. It's like he's just talking, but not. I love distinct voices like that. When there's no question who it is.
But enough ABOUT music. I love it because of how I feel when I listen to it. It can calm me in traffic, if I focus and hone in on Joshua Radin's perfect voice, it lulls me into complete peace. Music can get me to get up off the couch and dance, especially when the Glee kids are doing it. It mellows me, it pumps me up, it centers me and it puts me in a place that nothing else can- where I feel that everything is perfect in the world, even though it isn't. In a way, it is my companion. It is my partner, my love, my best friend. Jason Mraz said on Storytellers "I've used song as my companion. It's been my best friend in my time of need." Well put Jason. But you know what the best music is sometimes? What's going on outside my window right now. RAIN. A gentle rain, not too loud, not too soft...just right. And isn't that what we all want? Just right...
Saturday, September 29, 2012
Friday, September 28, 2012
I'm obsessed with the idea of home. My favorite songs are either titled 'Home,' or distinctly about the idea of a "home." Even one that I mistakenly thought they were saying "my sweet home," but apparently it's "my sweet heart." This of course is Lumineers- Ho Hey. I stand by my lyrics anyway, they are better: "I belong with you, you belong with me, in my sweet home." Another fav is Home by Philip Phillips- "the trouble it might drag you down. If you get lost, you can always be found, just know you're not alone. 'Cuz I'm gonna make this place your home."
Isn't that what we all want? To be found? And more importantly to have a home with someone we love? To BELONG to someone, sharing that sweet sweet home of yours, together.
My favorite movie still continues to be Garden State. I love it for it's quirkiness, and honesty and openness to the feelings and awakenings to life and to the people that come into your life and not disregarding them. One of my favorite lines is when the main character played by Zach Braff, who also wrote and directed the movie, says: "You know that point in your life where you realize that the house you grew up in, really isn't your home anymore? All of a sudden, even though you have some place where you put your shit, that idea of home is feel like you can never get it back. It's like you feel homesick for a place that doesn't even exist. Maybe its this rite of passage. You won't ever have that feeling again until you create a new idea of home for yourself, for your kids, for the family you start. It's like a cycle. I miss the idea of it. Maybe that's all family really is. A group of people who miss the same imaginary place." I remember when I first saw it. I rented it at the end of 2005 after everything had fallen apart in Colorado and I had moved home to Texas, after my 2 year stint there. I watched it twice in the two days and bought the Soundtrack the same day I rented it. Bought it shortly after that, too. It came into my life at just the right time. When home no longer existed for me. Sure I had a "home" where my parents and little sister lived. But that hadn't felt like home in years. I had been in college for 4 years and in my own apartment in Dallas for 2 and then in Colorado Springs for 2 more. What was home for me? In the two years I lived in Colorado Springs, I lived in 5 different places. A family, newlyweds, single girls, a crazy old lady and an engaged girl. I had literally seen and lived it all! But none of them were real "homes." I had found a group of friends in Colorado who had all "missed this same imaginary place." They were my family, until they found their own real families.
Now I have a HOUSE that I love. It's an actual house this time. No efficiency apartment for me! I'm in a duplex house that is the biggest place I've lived in, on my very own. I have a back yard and a big front porch. I have my own washer and dryer and 6 windows and 3 doors which all have windows on them too. Currently they are opened to let the cool air cycle through. It's amazing, and I don't want to leave it ever. Unless it was for a real person. A shot at a real home. Then I would leave it in a heartbeat. I'd be out the door if someone was ready to offer themselves as home to me.
"Home is where the heart is." A saying that means, wherever you are, wherever you are giving and receiving love...that's a home. If you live alone, then how could this be a home?
Music is probably my favorite thing about life. Actually I am certain it is. If I ever have a daughter, I am naming her Calliope or Callie for short; which means beautiful voice, or music. It's also a type of musical instrument, seen on those boats out on the Mississippi river that play that tug boat music through the pipes, with the smoke. You know what I'm talking about. That's how much I love music. Ingrid Michaelson says it best in her song titled- Are we there yet. "They say that home is where the heart is. I guess I haven't found my home. And we keep driving around in circles, afraid to call this place our home... They say you're not really somebody, until somebody else loves you. Well I am waiting to make somebody somebody soon." Aren't we all waiting for this? Well, some how found it. In a significant other, or maybe a child. Some thought they had it, but it turned out it was a fairytale, without a happy ending, and they want their story rewritten or scratched and started again. Whatever the case, for me, I am forever contemplating the idea of Home. Because I can't figure it out. It's aloof. It's a magical place with unicorns and cotton candy clouds. It seems unattainable, just out of my reach. And yet at the same time, it seems to have only one answer. And I can't get the numbers to add up.
I like what Jason Mraz said in an episode of Storytellers. He said, "Home is a state of mind. Have peace in your mind; that's home." He said this because he is always traveling and a home can't be 4 walls for him. But I like that- "state of mind." I wish I could fully comprehend that and live in that mindset. Live in perfect peace. All the time. Wouldn't that be nice? He also did add- "and you can choose to go back there anytime." So even though it's impossible all the time to be at peace and at home in that "state of mind," you can go back there whenever you are ready; whenever you want. You just throw on some red sparkly shoes and click your heels 3 times and repeat after me- "There's no place like home, there's no place like home." Wait. This only works if where you are now is OZ, and where you want to be is in the real world.
But, regardless, I guess home is what you make of it. My home is filled with a lot of owls. Stuffed animal owls, figurines, paintings, ect. My home is filled to the brim with things I have created with my bare hands, and with my open heart and creative mind and spirit. I love my home. It is all mine and it is perfect. Not everyone can say that their place is completely their touch, their design, their sole imagination and invention. No one else's input had to be considered in the making of this home, and that's a pretty sweet place to be living in.
But it sure would be nice to have a home where someone thought of you like this: "holy-moley
me-oh-my, you're the apple of my eye, girl I never loved one like you. Man oh man you're my best friend, I'll scream it to the nothingness. there ain't nothing that I need. Well, hot & heavy, pumpkin pie, chocolate candy, Jesus Christ. There ain't nothin' please me more than you.
Ahh, Home
Let me come Home
Home is wherever I'm with you..."
-Home, by Edward Sharpe and the Magnetic Zeros
Isn't that what we all want? To be found? And more importantly to have a home with someone we love? To BELONG to someone, sharing that sweet sweet home of yours, together.
My favorite movie still continues to be Garden State. I love it for it's quirkiness, and honesty and openness to the feelings and awakenings to life and to the people that come into your life and not disregarding them. One of my favorite lines is when the main character played by Zach Braff, who also wrote and directed the movie, says: "You know that point in your life where you realize that the house you grew up in, really isn't your home anymore? All of a sudden, even though you have some place where you put your shit, that idea of home is feel like you can never get it back. It's like you feel homesick for a place that doesn't even exist. Maybe its this rite of passage. You won't ever have that feeling again until you create a new idea of home for yourself, for your kids, for the family you start. It's like a cycle. I miss the idea of it. Maybe that's all family really is. A group of people who miss the same imaginary place." I remember when I first saw it. I rented it at the end of 2005 after everything had fallen apart in Colorado and I had moved home to Texas, after my 2 year stint there. I watched it twice in the two days and bought the Soundtrack the same day I rented it. Bought it shortly after that, too. It came into my life at just the right time. When home no longer existed for me. Sure I had a "home" where my parents and little sister lived. But that hadn't felt like home in years. I had been in college for 4 years and in my own apartment in Dallas for 2 and then in Colorado Springs for 2 more. What was home for me? In the two years I lived in Colorado Springs, I lived in 5 different places. A family, newlyweds, single girls, a crazy old lady and an engaged girl. I had literally seen and lived it all! But none of them were real "homes." I had found a group of friends in Colorado who had all "missed this same imaginary place." They were my family, until they found their own real families.
Now I have a HOUSE that I love. It's an actual house this time. No efficiency apartment for me! I'm in a duplex house that is the biggest place I've lived in, on my very own. I have a back yard and a big front porch. I have my own washer and dryer and 6 windows and 3 doors which all have windows on them too. Currently they are opened to let the cool air cycle through. It's amazing, and I don't want to leave it ever. Unless it was for a real person. A shot at a real home. Then I would leave it in a heartbeat. I'd be out the door if someone was ready to offer themselves as home to me.
"Home is where the heart is." A saying that means, wherever you are, wherever you are giving and receiving love...that's a home. If you live alone, then how could this be a home?
Music is probably my favorite thing about life. Actually I am certain it is. If I ever have a daughter, I am naming her Calliope or Callie for short; which means beautiful voice, or music. It's also a type of musical instrument, seen on those boats out on the Mississippi river that play that tug boat music through the pipes, with the smoke. You know what I'm talking about. That's how much I love music. Ingrid Michaelson says it best in her song titled- Are we there yet. "They say that home is where the heart is. I guess I haven't found my home. And we keep driving around in circles, afraid to call this place our home... They say you're not really somebody, until somebody else loves you. Well I am waiting to make somebody somebody soon." Aren't we all waiting for this? Well, some how found it. In a significant other, or maybe a child. Some thought they had it, but it turned out it was a fairytale, without a happy ending, and they want their story rewritten or scratched and started again. Whatever the case, for me, I am forever contemplating the idea of Home. Because I can't figure it out. It's aloof. It's a magical place with unicorns and cotton candy clouds. It seems unattainable, just out of my reach. And yet at the same time, it seems to have only one answer. And I can't get the numbers to add up.
I like what Jason Mraz said in an episode of Storytellers. He said, "Home is a state of mind. Have peace in your mind; that's home." He said this because he is always traveling and a home can't be 4 walls for him. But I like that- "state of mind." I wish I could fully comprehend that and live in that mindset. Live in perfect peace. All the time. Wouldn't that be nice? He also did add- "and you can choose to go back there anytime." So even though it's impossible all the time to be at peace and at home in that "state of mind," you can go back there whenever you are ready; whenever you want. You just throw on some red sparkly shoes and click your heels 3 times and repeat after me- "There's no place like home, there's no place like home." Wait. This only works if where you are now is OZ, and where you want to be is in the real world.
But, regardless, I guess home is what you make of it. My home is filled with a lot of owls. Stuffed animal owls, figurines, paintings, ect. My home is filled to the brim with things I have created with my bare hands, and with my open heart and creative mind and spirit. I love my home. It is all mine and it is perfect. Not everyone can say that their place is completely their touch, their design, their sole imagination and invention. No one else's input had to be considered in the making of this home, and that's a pretty sweet place to be living in.
But it sure would be nice to have a home where someone thought of you like this: "holy-moley
me-oh-my, you're the apple of my eye, girl I never loved one like you. Man oh man you're my best friend, I'll scream it to the nothingness. there ain't nothing that I need. Well, hot & heavy, pumpkin pie, chocolate candy, Jesus Christ. There ain't nothin' please me more than you.
Ahh, Home
Let me come Home
Home is wherever I'm with you..."
-Home, by Edward Sharpe and the Magnetic Zeros
Monday, September 24, 2012
Questions and Poems..and Poems about Questions
I've said before that I'm not looking for advice on these blogs or comments telling me what to do. If it's positive feedback, that's dandy. I like the "if you can't say anything nice, then don't say anything at all," philosophy. I wish the millions of people on Facebook lived by that rule. People can be SO harsh to total strangers. Not me.
But this is the ONE time I'm gonna ask for advice or suggestions, is more like it. Particularly to this one question:
How do I fulfill a need to be held, without a significant other? (and body pillow is not a suitable suggestion). Yoga, massages, kissing my own arm, hugging myself, hugging babies, getting a hug from a friend once in a blue moon, are all things I've tried and do not work. Mostly, I'm joking, because there is no answer to this question. Human contact cannot be substituted for anything else on this planet. I have more questions but that's a start...
Poem: Questions, questions, BIG and small.
Questions, questions, how do I answer them all?
Are you real? Do you exist? And when will I get my next kiss?
If God is listening then why don't I have someone to love?
Someone to play with and call honey dove?
If God truly loves me, then share some of that love, by giving me a partner, a lover, a hug.
What is next for me? Where will I go? Who will I meet? And who will I show?
...all the love in my heart, for this mystery person.
This maker of passion. This well-rounded...Christian*
*ahh! close enough, right? Rhyming is hard! ;o)
Here's a Poem I wrote under this here bridge in Cheyenne Mountain Park in Colorado Springs, CO:

But this is the ONE time I'm gonna ask for advice or suggestions, is more like it. Particularly to this one question:
How do I fulfill a need to be held, without a significant other? (and body pillow is not a suitable suggestion). Yoga, massages, kissing my own arm, hugging myself, hugging babies, getting a hug from a friend once in a blue moon, are all things I've tried and do not work. Mostly, I'm joking, because there is no answer to this question. Human contact cannot be substituted for anything else on this planet. I have more questions but that's a start...
Poem: Questions, questions, BIG and small.
Questions, questions, how do I answer them all?
Are you real? Do you exist? And when will I get my next kiss?
If God is listening then why don't I have someone to love?
Someone to play with and call honey dove?
If God truly loves me, then share some of that love, by giving me a partner, a lover, a hug.
What is next for me? Where will I go? Who will I meet? And who will I show?
...all the love in my heart, for this mystery person.
This maker of passion. This well-rounded...Christian*
*ahh! close enough, right? Rhyming is hard! ;o)
Here's a Poem I wrote under this here bridge in Cheyenne Mountain Park in Colorado Springs, CO:
And this is where I wrote it: Aptly titled- "The Troll under the Bridge" (sorry I was feeling a bit trolly that day) :op
I'm a troll under a bridge. No one sees me unless they need something from me. No one wants to deal with me. No one wants to be my friend. I'm an ugly troll. I'm a nuisance to all that come in contact with me. I hide from you, people of the world. I'm safe and unbothered under the bridge. I'm in my world, where the water flows constantly and where I'm kept company by that which is smaller than me, but is not afraid of me. My friends come and go but they never have to cross the bridge to be with me. They join me underneath. Where I am. Where I want to be. Where I am safe and sound from the things of the world that scare me, that worry me, the things and people that I don't understand and don't understand me. Maybe one day someone will join me under the bridge or take my hand and pull me out from under the bridge. Show me what else there is. The parts that aren't scary. The parts that are rainbows and blue skies. The parts that can make me happy. Maybe one day I will experience what my life could be and what the world could offer me. Out from under this bridge.
So that's it for now. A little poem-age for ya. What's next on the list? Whatever tickles my fancy. Maybe when I see "The perks of being a wallflower" this weekend, something will spark me from that. Which reminds me, I need to go buy the book and read it before the weekend...
I leave you with probably THE best poem/song of all time: Taught to us by Sheldon, from "The Big Bang theory."
"Soft kitty, warm kitty, little ball of fur. Happy kitty, sleepy kitty, purr purr purr." Now didn't that make you happy?? Now sing it in a round with your roomie! :op
What's next?
I like that new Mumford and Sons song- "I will wait for you." I don't know who exactly is the "you" they are referring to. But in my own life I often wonder who this "you" is, as well. Or if this "you" even exists.
I went to my favorite set of twins birthday party yesterday. They are 3 years old now. I have been in their life since they got out of the hospital at 5 months old, and I will continue to be a part of their life for as long as possible. They are two of the most sweetest and most precious children I know. I've always known I wanted to be a Mom. For maybe a minute awhile ago I thought, maybe I don't, thinking 'it's too hard' or 'I'll miss my freedom; my me time.' But last night it was evident that I definitely still want that, and that I would be good at it. I work with babies everyday, so I know I will be good at the "teaching" aspect. The developmental skills and all that jazz. But I think I would be good at being a parent too.The parents had a lot to attend to at the party, meanwhile I was just loving on those kids, particularly entertaining the little girl and keeping her outta trouble. I really loved being responsible for her and feeding her pieces of my cupcake, even though she had her own...she of course still wanted mine. I loved holding her and protecting her from her brother's swing as he hit the pinata as hard as his little 3 year old hands could take. I loved that as she looked around the room at all the relatives and church people she knew, she still wanted to come right to me and sit in my lap. I want to be a Mom so bad. My friends say "you still can. single women adopt all the time." And to that I reply, nope not gonna happen.That's just not for me. I know it isn't. I know me really well now. Been me for 31 years and counting. I would gladly adopt with a partner, someone I'm spending my life with. But I will not and can not adopt alone. I don't have the money, nor do I wish for my newborn child to spend his or her first 3 years of life (which are the most important in a child's life), bonding with a daycare provider Mom. I'll work from home, I'll work 1 or 2 days a week outside the home if I have to, but I want to be a stay-at-home Mom for sure. At least until the kid starts school. Maybe I could win the lottery and then be a full-time single Mom easily. But raising a kid is really a 2 person job. I know many people don't do it that way, but I definitely don't want to do it alone, if I have a say in it.
I enjoy my alone time. I enjoy pondering things and being in control of my home and how it is run and what goes on inside it. But I do feel like I'm waiting for someone. I'm not doing the looking, just the waiting. If I knew where to look, or if looking in the past ever paid off, I would do it more. What's next for me? Who will I be in a relationship with? Who will be my child one day? And do either one of these people exist in the universe at all? Either present or future?
Things definitely could be worse. I'd take boring over drama, any day of the week for sure. But not all people are drama. I'm not drama. I'm easy going and relaxed. I'm t-shirts and jeans. I'm a homebody but who also loves the outdoors and nature. I'm very passionate about the things I love and the most loyal friend you'll ever make. And now I feel like I'm creating a profile for, so I will end there. What is on the horizon for Christie? WHO is next on this horizon? A tall brunette? A sexy blonde? haha. I don't really care. Just as long as they make me laugh. And listen to me and give me eye contact, like I'm the most important person in the room. THAT is the most important thing. And have a job would be will I ever be a future stay-at-home Mom without that?? wink wink.
I went to my favorite set of twins birthday party yesterday. They are 3 years old now. I have been in their life since they got out of the hospital at 5 months old, and I will continue to be a part of their life for as long as possible. They are two of the most sweetest and most precious children I know. I've always known I wanted to be a Mom. For maybe a minute awhile ago I thought, maybe I don't, thinking 'it's too hard' or 'I'll miss my freedom; my me time.' But last night it was evident that I definitely still want that, and that I would be good at it. I work with babies everyday, so I know I will be good at the "teaching" aspect. The developmental skills and all that jazz. But I think I would be good at being a parent too.The parents had a lot to attend to at the party, meanwhile I was just loving on those kids, particularly entertaining the little girl and keeping her outta trouble. I really loved being responsible for her and feeding her pieces of my cupcake, even though she had her own...she of course still wanted mine. I loved holding her and protecting her from her brother's swing as he hit the pinata as hard as his little 3 year old hands could take. I loved that as she looked around the room at all the relatives and church people she knew, she still wanted to come right to me and sit in my lap. I want to be a Mom so bad. My friends say "you still can. single women adopt all the time." And to that I reply, nope not gonna happen.That's just not for me. I know it isn't. I know me really well now. Been me for 31 years and counting. I would gladly adopt with a partner, someone I'm spending my life with. But I will not and can not adopt alone. I don't have the money, nor do I wish for my newborn child to spend his or her first 3 years of life (which are the most important in a child's life), bonding with a daycare provider Mom. I'll work from home, I'll work 1 or 2 days a week outside the home if I have to, but I want to be a stay-at-home Mom for sure. At least until the kid starts school. Maybe I could win the lottery and then be a full-time single Mom easily. But raising a kid is really a 2 person job. I know many people don't do it that way, but I definitely don't want to do it alone, if I have a say in it.
I enjoy my alone time. I enjoy pondering things and being in control of my home and how it is run and what goes on inside it. But I do feel like I'm waiting for someone. I'm not doing the looking, just the waiting. If I knew where to look, or if looking in the past ever paid off, I would do it more. What's next for me? Who will I be in a relationship with? Who will be my child one day? And do either one of these people exist in the universe at all? Either present or future?
Things definitely could be worse. I'd take boring over drama, any day of the week for sure. But not all people are drama. I'm not drama. I'm easy going and relaxed. I'm t-shirts and jeans. I'm a homebody but who also loves the outdoors and nature. I'm very passionate about the things I love and the most loyal friend you'll ever make. And now I feel like I'm creating a profile for, so I will end there. What is on the horizon for Christie? WHO is next on this horizon? A tall brunette? A sexy blonde? haha. I don't really care. Just as long as they make me laugh. And listen to me and give me eye contact, like I'm the most important person in the room. THAT is the most important thing. And have a job would be will I ever be a future stay-at-home Mom without that?? wink wink.
Friday, September 21, 2012
On a recent trip to Colorado I went hiking in Cheyenne Mountain park. There's a waterfall tourist attraction there, which was nice, and lots of appropriate trails to take, that were worn down, so you knew where to go. I hiked the stairs up to the top of the waterfall and stood on the bridge. I looked to my left and families were starting their trek up the beaten path to god knows where, but I'm sure it was great. Then I looked to the right and there's this hillside of a mountain to climb. I didn't see where it lead, but there were rocks a little bigger than my foot randomly placed, and also some larger rocks and I thought hmm...those look a perfect distance for my feet and hand placement. So, even though I'm pretty sure it's frowned upon, I ventured up it. Now, it wasn't so high that I could fall and die. I think at best I would have sprained (or possibly broken) an ankle or maybe even an arm, but I was recovering from a rough morning and a funk so bad that my favorite dog in the world licking my tears couldn't even pull me out of, so I said 'what the hell.'
It wasn't actually that hard of a climb. I took my time and I placed my feet with my sturdy tennies on the smaller rocks, and they didn't budge, and I grabbed a hold of the rock above me, making sure it didn't shift before I put my weight into it, and it was fine too. It wasn't a complete vertical height, it had an angle to it, but you definitely couldn't just walk up it, you had to hands and feet climb it. Reflecting on that moment makes me think of how I live my life. I'm not afraid to take chances, chances that could lead to harm in some way, but I'm definitely slow and cautious. Is this sturdy enough for me? Will this fall if I lean on it or drop me? I test before I go. I'm not a jump-right-in-er, except for this one time (same trip) where I leaped off a 20 feet (or higher) cliff into freezing cold water under the Royal Gorge bridge in Canon city. That, by the way, was the most exhilarating moment of my life. I didn't think. I just swam across the river from my white water rafting group, climbed up on the rock, and walked off, not taking the time to stop and look down first because I'm pretty sure I wouldn't have jumped. But back to the rock climbing story.
So I was nearing the top and realized it was just the road. Like the road you drive on through the mountains. There was a silver rail, so people don't drive off the road (or at least make it a little more difficult to). I was a little disappointed that that was all there was, but then came the hard part. There was no more rocks and just tiny pebbles, that I knew would be slippery, but I would have to cross them to get to the road and climbing down definitely wasn't an option. I went super slow and still slipped a little sliding a brief moment, but managed to scoot up on my bottom that little last way and climbed over that rail to the road. I looked down at the people below and it was actually even higher than I thought. But I did it. Mission accomplished.
When I got to that point when I realized all that I was climbing to was just a road, it makes me think about my life. I feel like I take the hard way, sometimes. I could've walked the real path that has been worn down by travelers. I even could've hiked or driven on the actual road, apparently, if I had known to go around. But the thing is. We don't know it's the "hard" way, until we've gone up it and looked back. I knew it would be a challenge, and I had hoped the top would've been a little more rewarding, but I still felt proud I had accomplished it. I put so much weight into a goal or an event. I think that it'll be the best thing even when I get there, but most of the time I'm a little let down. It's still cool in a way, and I enjoy it, but I think I build things up too much in my head; sometimes without even realizing it. Sometimes a little slip like that makes me pause and gather my thoughts, but I usually continue on. Sometimes from a slip, like my wet bare feet the other day from the rain, on my tile floor, leads to a pulled leg muscle that causes me to walk with a limp for a few days. Some slips in life leave a little reminder, or take time to move past. They're not always instantaneous recovery, like on the rocks.
Sometimes I feel myself slipping into "woe's me" time, or just "I need someone physically and emotionally to love me in this very moment" time. And since I don't have that in that moment, I start to slip into sadness. Sometimes I can feel it coming but even with my attempts to change it or distract myself, it doesn't always stop. It doesn't always have to snowball, though. If I take action to change my mood I can keep from spiraling deeper and deeper. I don't always have to dwell, but it still has to run it's course. It doesn't immediately go away, or have a triumphant win, like it did on those last few feet on the mountain side. A slip is a slip. It might take more than a few moments to get over, but it will happen. I think what pushes me along is LOVE. The hope of the love that's out there searching for me. And I have a feeling that when it comes it will be worth the wait and more than I could ever hope for or dream possible for myself. That's the hope I live by. The wait is long. It's a slow climb up a mountain and not a quick drive on paved road, but the end result is the top. Whatever that "top" may be.
This time I leave you with song lyrics. Because besides love, what's better in this world than music?? Nothing.
Healing song by Bebo Norman: " ...and in a world that broke me down. Oh I'm standing up, oh but not alone. 'cause this is a healing song, oh and I've got a heart that fails
But love is pushing me along, I'm lifting up above this veil
This is a healing song, oh and I don't know if you can tell
But love is pushing me along
I'm pressing up against the rail, pressing up against the rail."
It wasn't actually that hard of a climb. I took my time and I placed my feet with my sturdy tennies on the smaller rocks, and they didn't budge, and I grabbed a hold of the rock above me, making sure it didn't shift before I put my weight into it, and it was fine too. It wasn't a complete vertical height, it had an angle to it, but you definitely couldn't just walk up it, you had to hands and feet climb it. Reflecting on that moment makes me think of how I live my life. I'm not afraid to take chances, chances that could lead to harm in some way, but I'm definitely slow and cautious. Is this sturdy enough for me? Will this fall if I lean on it or drop me? I test before I go. I'm not a jump-right-in-er, except for this one time (same trip) where I leaped off a 20 feet (or higher) cliff into freezing cold water under the Royal Gorge bridge in Canon city. That, by the way, was the most exhilarating moment of my life. I didn't think. I just swam across the river from my white water rafting group, climbed up on the rock, and walked off, not taking the time to stop and look down first because I'm pretty sure I wouldn't have jumped. But back to the rock climbing story.
So I was nearing the top and realized it was just the road. Like the road you drive on through the mountains. There was a silver rail, so people don't drive off the road (or at least make it a little more difficult to). I was a little disappointed that that was all there was, but then came the hard part. There was no more rocks and just tiny pebbles, that I knew would be slippery, but I would have to cross them to get to the road and climbing down definitely wasn't an option. I went super slow and still slipped a little sliding a brief moment, but managed to scoot up on my bottom that little last way and climbed over that rail to the road. I looked down at the people below and it was actually even higher than I thought. But I did it. Mission accomplished.
When I got to that point when I realized all that I was climbing to was just a road, it makes me think about my life. I feel like I take the hard way, sometimes. I could've walked the real path that has been worn down by travelers. I even could've hiked or driven on the actual road, apparently, if I had known to go around. But the thing is. We don't know it's the "hard" way, until we've gone up it and looked back. I knew it would be a challenge, and I had hoped the top would've been a little more rewarding, but I still felt proud I had accomplished it. I put so much weight into a goal or an event. I think that it'll be the best thing even when I get there, but most of the time I'm a little let down. It's still cool in a way, and I enjoy it, but I think I build things up too much in my head; sometimes without even realizing it. Sometimes a little slip like that makes me pause and gather my thoughts, but I usually continue on. Sometimes from a slip, like my wet bare feet the other day from the rain, on my tile floor, leads to a pulled leg muscle that causes me to walk with a limp for a few days. Some slips in life leave a little reminder, or take time to move past. They're not always instantaneous recovery, like on the rocks.
Sometimes I feel myself slipping into "woe's me" time, or just "I need someone physically and emotionally to love me in this very moment" time. And since I don't have that in that moment, I start to slip into sadness. Sometimes I can feel it coming but even with my attempts to change it or distract myself, it doesn't always stop. It doesn't always have to snowball, though. If I take action to change my mood I can keep from spiraling deeper and deeper. I don't always have to dwell, but it still has to run it's course. It doesn't immediately go away, or have a triumphant win, like it did on those last few feet on the mountain side. A slip is a slip. It might take more than a few moments to get over, but it will happen. I think what pushes me along is LOVE. The hope of the love that's out there searching for me. And I have a feeling that when it comes it will be worth the wait and more than I could ever hope for or dream possible for myself. That's the hope I live by. The wait is long. It's a slow climb up a mountain and not a quick drive on paved road, but the end result is the top. Whatever that "top" may be.
This time I leave you with song lyrics. Because besides love, what's better in this world than music?? Nothing.
Healing song by Bebo Norman: " ...and in a world that broke me down. Oh I'm standing up, oh but not alone. 'cause this is a healing song, oh and I've got a heart that fails
But love is pushing me along, I'm lifting up above this veil
This is a healing song, oh and I don't know if you can tell
But love is pushing me along
I'm pressing up against the rail, pressing up against the rail."
Monday, September 17, 2012
A Snail's pace
Sometimes I feel like I'm traveling at a snail's pace...I may still get to that end result- the house, partner, 2.5 kids, but it still feels light years away and all my friends are cheetahs...and I'm just a snail. Excuse me, they are a "Peregrine Falcon," which is apparently the fastest animal on earth, "reaching speeds between 99 and 273 miles per hour (440 kilometers per hour) when diving." But who the hell's ever heard of that?? And that's a bird anyway, so I'm going with the fastest LAND animal, which I was correct in saying, is the Cheetah. Yikes! Did you know that the American Cockroach is one of the fastest running insect in the world?? So gross..SO not comparing my friends to cockroaches, so Cheetahs and snails it is.
Yesterday I watched this snail on this 4X4 foot slab of concrete that is outside my back door. It was moving SO slow. And it left this slime path behind. Like leaving its mark on the world. To let us know it was here. The cool thing is that it never gave up. It made it halfway through the space then turned around and went back the way it came. It didn't care. It even persisted on and didn't retreat back into its shell when a jerk (aka me) poked it's eye with a blade of grass. It's eye retracted, but then popped right back out again and it kept on moving. Now when I really rocked it's world and picked it up by it's shell, it did go inside and even when placed on the ground, it didn't emerge for several minutes. Like me, it hides in it's shell and waits until it's 100% sure it's okay to come out again. I don't really feel like I hide away in my home, because I love being in my home and creating and writing and listening and observing and contemplating...but sometimes when I go out and I don't know anyone or just one person but they are off talking to someone else, I do hide in my shell. I put up an invisible shield, much like Harry Potter's Invisibility cloak, and I assume no one can see me, as evidenced to no one talking to me. But it's cool. I'm okay with that. I want someone who will accept me for who I am, shy snail and all.
Maybe the world values money and success and beauty above all else, but in the "Christian" world families are the gems. Perfect wifie and hubby and obedient children are the specials on the menu. Some churches try to include singles, but it's clear that families are what sells. They are the most important investment. It's clearly the goal of every single person in a singles group- "must find mate." And it can't help but feel like it's the goal of the church as a whole. And don't even get me started as to why they separate girls and guys into community groups and only in the singles department. I don't see them separating the widowed senior citizens by gender! For someone intimidated by more than about 3 people, you can see why a large group event as my only option in mixing with the opposite gender, is not only daunting, but pretty impractical for an introvert like myself. So I stay away from those places nowadays. And that's all I have to say about that.
I checked back outside and the snail is back. Where it went today, I don't know. Maybe to visit its cousins by the air conditioning vent, maybe to find some sweet eats over by the ant hill, regardless, it's back on it's mission of slowly slurping away on that 4X4 foot piece of concrete, going to the end and back again. Maybe we all go in circles at some point in our lives. Maybe I feel like I'm going nowhere and everyone else is going "somewhere" but in actuality, we're all standing still. That makes no sense, I just felt like saying it. Regardless on when or how, I suppose we all get "somewhere" someday. It's not always exactly like we picture it. Maybe that snail was hoping he'd in a backyard with a view of the ocean where he can meet a wirely crab named Bob. But he's here. In my backyard. And I'm here. In good 'ol Texas. Yee haw. At least for now. Maybe one day I'll be somewhere else. Maybe one day I'll be WITH someone else, besides myself. But I do know that I'm moving at the pace that is right for me and that's good enough for me. At least in this moment. Maybe I'll evolve into a rabbit. They're pretty least when they're not racing turtles...
OK. Until next time...
Here's a quote from the office, just cuz it's about a snail. Michael: "I tried to talk to Toby and be his friend, but that is like trying to be friends with an evil snail." :o)
Yesterday I watched this snail on this 4X4 foot slab of concrete that is outside my back door. It was moving SO slow. And it left this slime path behind. Like leaving its mark on the world. To let us know it was here. The cool thing is that it never gave up. It made it halfway through the space then turned around and went back the way it came. It didn't care. It even persisted on and didn't retreat back into its shell when a jerk (aka me) poked it's eye with a blade of grass. It's eye retracted, but then popped right back out again and it kept on moving. Now when I really rocked it's world and picked it up by it's shell, it did go inside and even when placed on the ground, it didn't emerge for several minutes. Like me, it hides in it's shell and waits until it's 100% sure it's okay to come out again. I don't really feel like I hide away in my home, because I love being in my home and creating and writing and listening and observing and contemplating...but sometimes when I go out and I don't know anyone or just one person but they are off talking to someone else, I do hide in my shell. I put up an invisible shield, much like Harry Potter's Invisibility cloak, and I assume no one can see me, as evidenced to no one talking to me. But it's cool. I'm okay with that. I want someone who will accept me for who I am, shy snail and all.
Maybe the world values money and success and beauty above all else, but in the "Christian" world families are the gems. Perfect wifie and hubby and obedient children are the specials on the menu. Some churches try to include singles, but it's clear that families are what sells. They are the most important investment. It's clearly the goal of every single person in a singles group- "must find mate." And it can't help but feel like it's the goal of the church as a whole. And don't even get me started as to why they separate girls and guys into community groups and only in the singles department. I don't see them separating the widowed senior citizens by gender! For someone intimidated by more than about 3 people, you can see why a large group event as my only option in mixing with the opposite gender, is not only daunting, but pretty impractical for an introvert like myself. So I stay away from those places nowadays. And that's all I have to say about that.
I checked back outside and the snail is back. Where it went today, I don't know. Maybe to visit its cousins by the air conditioning vent, maybe to find some sweet eats over by the ant hill, regardless, it's back on it's mission of slowly slurping away on that 4X4 foot piece of concrete, going to the end and back again. Maybe we all go in circles at some point in our lives. Maybe I feel like I'm going nowhere and everyone else is going "somewhere" but in actuality, we're all standing still. That makes no sense, I just felt like saying it. Regardless on when or how, I suppose we all get "somewhere" someday. It's not always exactly like we picture it. Maybe that snail was hoping he'd in a backyard with a view of the ocean where he can meet a wirely crab named Bob. But he's here. In my backyard. And I'm here. In good 'ol Texas. Yee haw. At least for now. Maybe one day I'll be somewhere else. Maybe one day I'll be WITH someone else, besides myself. But I do know that I'm moving at the pace that is right for me and that's good enough for me. At least in this moment. Maybe I'll evolve into a rabbit. They're pretty least when they're not racing turtles...
OK. Until next time...
Here's a quote from the office, just cuz it's about a snail. Michael: "I tried to talk to Toby and be his friend, but that is like trying to be friends with an evil snail." :o)
Friday, September 14, 2012
"I'm never changing who I am"
Whether you want it or not, when you share yourself with someone, when you share your heart, your struggles, the feelings that bring you down, you're bound to get "advice." You're bound to get "help" or "if onlys." I think at 31 years old, I am finally accepting ALL of who I am. My out of control hair, that's neither straight nor curly. My wallflower impressions whenever I'm in groups of people where I know no one, or maybe just one person. My crazy excitement and squeals for Glee and my dance moves that aren't ready for public eyes. I am who I am, and I'm never changing who I am. I love that song by Imagine Dragons. Partly because I love to do that stomp clap beat that's in it; but mostly because of that one line- "I'm never changing who I am." I can change what I do. I can change my mood sometimes, and how I act and behave. But who I am inside, those things I listed, and much much more, are who I am. I'm never going to be someone that enjoys talking to strangers. It's funny because I talk to new families and new kids every day, and that's pretty easy for me now. The first time I'm a little nervous still, just wondering what kind of parent I'm up against. One that will participate and is willing to work, one that is way too overbearing and neurotic, or one that could care less about any of it...But when it comes to groups, really more than 2 people, I'm lost. It's like I've forgotten how to talk to people sometimes. Reminds me of Phoebe meeting Mike's parents, in "Friends." She starts talking about her crazy life she's had and tells too much about it, and Phoebe says "I've never met anybody's parents before," with which Mike replies "but you have talked to humans before, right?"
I don't really feel that I make the best first impression. Now if there's a dog in the room, you better believe I'll make a stellar first impression with him/her. That dog and I are besties from the second we meet. I love dogs. They can see into your soul. They know who's good, they know who's bad. I think how you treat a dog and how a dog responds to you (one that hasn't been abused), is a testament to what kind of person you truly are.
I realize that maybe my chances go down at meeting a life long parter in crime till death do us part, if I'm being a homebody and even if I do go out, I'm not really talking to people, but anything could happen, really. My eyes are open and my heart is open. I have to still believe that someone too, will love me for who I am, and not only what they see on the outside or what they think about me after only giving me 2 minutes of their time. I take warming up to. I am more loyal to my current friends than a golden retriever, but cautious to make new ones until I know what I'm up against, who's in for the long haul, and who might flee the second they find their soulmate. I know a lot of people who enjoy talking to anyone and everyone. They love finding out their story, and that's great! More power to them! I'm glad they are out there. They need to be. I'm definitely willing to talk to people I don't know on occasion (thus how it's possible I currently have friends), but I may need an internal push from myself or a sign telling me I'm ready and there's a reason this person needs to be in my life in some way, shape, or form.
I guess I'm kind of being vague or I'm just talking about the obvious. But when it comes down to it, what I'm not going to change is all the little indescribable workings inside me that makeup who I am. I hate being told to change my mindset. I hate that I'm made to feel like there's something inside me, that makes me who I am, that I need to change, in order for someone else, to come into my life and walk alongside me, meaning that I'm "not ready" for a realationship. Only I know if I'm ready or not. I am completely OK with who I am inside. I don't need to change a thing. I try my best everyday, to believe that there is somebody out there that will want to be with me and love me for all the little things that makeup me and who I am! Because guess what? I will compromise and adapt for someone for sure when it comes to what we do or where we live, but who I am deep inside will never change. I am Christie. Hear me roar.
I don't really feel that I make the best first impression. Now if there's a dog in the room, you better believe I'll make a stellar first impression with him/her. That dog and I are besties from the second we meet. I love dogs. They can see into your soul. They know who's good, they know who's bad. I think how you treat a dog and how a dog responds to you (one that hasn't been abused), is a testament to what kind of person you truly are.
I realize that maybe my chances go down at meeting a life long parter in crime till death do us part, if I'm being a homebody and even if I do go out, I'm not really talking to people, but anything could happen, really. My eyes are open and my heart is open. I have to still believe that someone too, will love me for who I am, and not only what they see on the outside or what they think about me after only giving me 2 minutes of their time. I take warming up to. I am more loyal to my current friends than a golden retriever, but cautious to make new ones until I know what I'm up against, who's in for the long haul, and who might flee the second they find their soulmate. I know a lot of people who enjoy talking to anyone and everyone. They love finding out their story, and that's great! More power to them! I'm glad they are out there. They need to be. I'm definitely willing to talk to people I don't know on occasion (thus how it's possible I currently have friends), but I may need an internal push from myself or a sign telling me I'm ready and there's a reason this person needs to be in my life in some way, shape, or form.
I guess I'm kind of being vague or I'm just talking about the obvious. But when it comes down to it, what I'm not going to change is all the little indescribable workings inside me that makeup who I am. I hate being told to change my mindset. I hate that I'm made to feel like there's something inside me, that makes me who I am, that I need to change, in order for someone else, to come into my life and walk alongside me, meaning that I'm "not ready" for a realationship. Only I know if I'm ready or not. I am completely OK with who I am inside. I don't need to change a thing. I try my best everyday, to believe that there is somebody out there that will want to be with me and love me for all the little things that makeup me and who I am! Because guess what? I will compromise and adapt for someone for sure when it comes to what we do or where we live, but who I am deep inside will never change. I am Christie. Hear me roar.
Wednesday, September 12, 2012
"Happiness is an unexpected hug."
I read that statement on a friend's Facebook status this morning. I'm gonna say she didn't come up with it, because it was in quotes...unless she was quoting herself, but nonetheless, it's an awesome quote and I wish I had come up with it myself! I LOVE hugs. Like love them love them. I didn't realize how much I loved them until my good friend Jen started to give me the tightest hugs known to man. When we worked together, I used to seek her out just for a hug...well and to talk to her because she is one of the nicest people on this earth, but her hugs were like crack to me. I miss not getting them as often...Most people give real lame ass hugs. Like a side hug with a light pat on the bag. I'd rather get no hug than a lame wimpy one. But I'm not one to hug just anyone. Ya gotta be a really good friend of mine to get a good hug from me. And some people aren't huggers, so you gotta weigh them out. I get massages because I don't get enough hugs. I've started hugging my babies I work with and kissing their fat little cheeks as much as I can; the ones that will let me and whose parents I know would be okay with that. It does help a little, but their bodies are so teeny tiny, so it's not like a big person's hug. But today, I got one of those unexpected hugs. And it made my day. It was from a 2 year old boy with Down Syndrome. He hugged his playmate who also had down syndrome and then me! And it was actually a good hug. A real hug. I love that at 2 years old, he already knows how to give good hugs. For a while until babies learn how to do it the right way, they just lean towards you, with their mouths open for what is their version of a kiss, and sorta just lean their bodies in for a hug. They want you to hug them. And I do. Big bear hugs if I can get them. It's very rare to have one of my babies hug me. It filled my heart with joy and happiness.
Sometimes hugs are hard to come by. I found out tonight that a new voice, singing a sweet song, can be a "hug" in its own way. At a coffeeshop tonight, I heard this girl sing, whose voice was like iced tea on a warm Texas summer night. She looked like Emma Stone and sounded like Norah Jones. But not exactly like her. She had her own special qualities that made her stand out. I stood there with my mouth open, because she was pretty unbelievable and I was surprised to hear she didn't have an album, and was so humble in person about her voice, like she had no idea how amazing she was. I told her- I look forward to hearing your album someday. I guess I could've said- your voice is like an unexpected hug...but I don't think she would've gotten it...
Sometimes hugs are hard to come by. I found out tonight that a new voice, singing a sweet song, can be a "hug" in its own way. At a coffeeshop tonight, I heard this girl sing, whose voice was like iced tea on a warm Texas summer night. She looked like Emma Stone and sounded like Norah Jones. But not exactly like her. She had her own special qualities that made her stand out. I stood there with my mouth open, because she was pretty unbelievable and I was surprised to hear she didn't have an album, and was so humble in person about her voice, like she had no idea how amazing she was. I told her- I look forward to hearing your album someday. I guess I could've said- your voice is like an unexpected hug...but I don't think she would've gotten it...
Monday, September 10, 2012
yoga possibilities
I just love it when people tell me what I can and can't do, or should or shouldn't do. Or what I feel, how I should act, how I should think, like they know what is going on in my head. I just love it. I'm a stubborn person ( I get it from both my Mom and Dad, so really I had no hope), AND I'm sarcastic, if you couldn't tell from that first line. That is a great combination, let me tell you. You tell me to do something, I argue or ask why and then I do the opposite. This only happens when I'm pushed to the limit though. I wasn't like this as a child. I followed the rules in all the ways and I was a good kid, the oldest and responsible. I'm not all that sarcastic in person really; I can be, when again, pushed to far. I like to push the line sometimes. See how far I can go with friends sometimes, but I'm cautious mostly. In person with new people, I am quiet and reserved. I listen to people. I let them tell me their opinion and mostly I agree with them, if it warrants that they are looking to be agreed with. But when it comes to me and my life, who I am, what I can and can't do; no one can tell me if I only change my mindset or think positively or be patient, or happy or jolly or sneezy, or any of the dwarfs really...THEN and only then, I will be ready for someone to come into my life in relationship form. That only pushes me to the edge, depresses me and makes me feel inadequate that I can't be someone if I'm not those things 24/7, and thus the only logical ending is that I die alone. I don't accept that. I know myself pretty well...I have been me for 31 years now and have been alone for 90% of it, so I've spent a lot of time with me. I'm not being negative when I say I can't put my long leg over my head and twist my body 90 degrees, or if I say I know I would be happier sharing life with someone on a daily basis, in a committed, intimate relationship. I'm not wrong on that. I didn't say I'd be happy every second of every day for the next 50 years together, but yes, I would be happier than doing EVERYTHING alone. I do all the things I love and I AM happy doing them, but I would be even more happy doing them with someone that loves me the most-est. I go out to eat, to the movies, to musicals, to concerts, even on vacations, all alone. Christie party of one is my status most weekends. Sure married friends can hang out on week days but most weekends are couple time. I know where they are and where they want to be Saturday nights, and that place isn't a 3rd party kinda place...if ya know what I mean. wink wink. But anyways, no pity party for me! I get to do whatever I want, whenever I want (ya know outside of work hours). And that my friends, is fucking awesome. What I can't do, is spoon myself in bed or kiss myself, or lay on top of myself, but no one can do that alone...I know I'm not the only one missing this.
But back to yoga. Or did I land on yoga yet?? Yoga is funny. I feel like I'm being tortured for information 99% of the time and I swear when she says "smile," I wanna punch her in the face. If she's looking at me, I fake a half smile, which I'm sure looks like the saddest excuse for a smile, but it's what I can do. I love the way I feel after and at the end when we finally relax and she does this positive talk to us and the goddess in me bows to her and we namaste-it up. That, and the ability to sit on the floor better without my back killing me (which is essential in my line of work with the babes), is WHY I do yoga. But there are definitely poses she asks us to do, that I scoff at and say "yeah right" under my breath for. Again, I know myself and what I can do. Some poses I know I can do, but just don't want to do in that moment, but there are others that are physically impossible for me, and I'm totally cool with that. I don't do yoga to impress the other yoga-ites in class or the teacher (who I think is awesome at what she does, by the way). I do it for me! And that's awesome. I do it to continually challenge myself physically, since lifting weights and Zumba or some other ridiculous dance class are out of the question for me.
I'm getting more comfortable being who I am. A girl who's a sucker for romance, not the cheesy "The Notebook" romance with a dozen red roses or jewelry and I don't like candy hardly at all. That would just go to waste on me. I'm a quirky romantic. I'm a Pam and Jim groupie. If it meant something to us, I would love a hot sauce packet, or a miniature pencil from putt putt golf. Or a silly card or homemade item of any kind. My favorite movies are Garden State, Away we Go, 500 days of Summer. But now I feel I'm just listing things...
The point it, there is no point! No, the point is be yourself and don't change for anyone but yourself. If you feel that you need to work on something, work on it, but as long as who you are or what you are doing is not hurting someone else, then just BE! And that's my 2 cents. Only you know you best, so love yourself the best you know how, and let others love you to, when they enter your life. And if you're like me and just want your friends to listen to you instead of offer advice, tell them! Or tell them in blog form...For me, when I really want advice, I will ask "what should I do?" directly. But I know that I'm a good listener to my friends, and sometimes I just need a friend to listen to me and not tell me what I should do or how I need to change my mindset or whatever.My mind is what it is! And it's a great mind. it's a beautiful mind...but not in a weird creepy least not most of the time...
And there's so more pennies for ya!
I leave you again with a quote:
From the new show The Mindy Project- " Maybe I won't get married. Ya know? Maybe I'll do one of those Eat Pray Love things. Ugh. No. I don't want to pray. Forget it. I'll just die alone."
Don't ever forget- there are always many characters from TV shows that you can commiserate with! You are not alone!
But back to yoga. Or did I land on yoga yet?? Yoga is funny. I feel like I'm being tortured for information 99% of the time and I swear when she says "smile," I wanna punch her in the face. If she's looking at me, I fake a half smile, which I'm sure looks like the saddest excuse for a smile, but it's what I can do. I love the way I feel after and at the end when we finally relax and she does this positive talk to us and the goddess in me bows to her and we namaste-it up. That, and the ability to sit on the floor better without my back killing me (which is essential in my line of work with the babes), is WHY I do yoga. But there are definitely poses she asks us to do, that I scoff at and say "yeah right" under my breath for. Again, I know myself and what I can do. Some poses I know I can do, but just don't want to do in that moment, but there are others that are physically impossible for me, and I'm totally cool with that. I don't do yoga to impress the other yoga-ites in class or the teacher (who I think is awesome at what she does, by the way). I do it for me! And that's awesome. I do it to continually challenge myself physically, since lifting weights and Zumba or some other ridiculous dance class are out of the question for me.
I'm getting more comfortable being who I am. A girl who's a sucker for romance, not the cheesy "The Notebook" romance with a dozen red roses or jewelry and I don't like candy hardly at all. That would just go to waste on me. I'm a quirky romantic. I'm a Pam and Jim groupie. If it meant something to us, I would love a hot sauce packet, or a miniature pencil from putt putt golf. Or a silly card or homemade item of any kind. My favorite movies are Garden State, Away we Go, 500 days of Summer. But now I feel I'm just listing things...
The point it, there is no point! No, the point is be yourself and don't change for anyone but yourself. If you feel that you need to work on something, work on it, but as long as who you are or what you are doing is not hurting someone else, then just BE! And that's my 2 cents. Only you know you best, so love yourself the best you know how, and let others love you to, when they enter your life. And if you're like me and just want your friends to listen to you instead of offer advice, tell them! Or tell them in blog form...For me, when I really want advice, I will ask "what should I do?" directly. But I know that I'm a good listener to my friends, and sometimes I just need a friend to listen to me and not tell me what I should do or how I need to change my mindset or whatever.My mind is what it is! And it's a great mind. it's a beautiful mind...but not in a weird creepy least not most of the time...
And there's so more pennies for ya!
I leave you again with a quote:
From the new show The Mindy Project- " Maybe I won't get married. Ya know? Maybe I'll do one of those Eat Pray Love things. Ugh. No. I don't want to pray. Forget it. I'll just die alone."
Don't ever forget- there are always many characters from TV shows that you can commiserate with! You are not alone!
Sunday, September 9, 2012
And so it goes...
It's funny. For me at least, I was raised to believe in God as The Father, The creator of the Universe and Jesus, his son, died for our sins so that we can be with him in Heaven. AND among many other things, Jesus said in Matthew 21:21 "Then Jesus told them, ' I assure you, if you have faith and don't doubt, you can even say to this mountain- may God lift you up and throw you into the sea, and it will happen. If you believe you will receive whatever you ask for in prayer." Now even as a child I don't think I truly believed this, and children believe everything! How could a mountain that's been there for millions of years (or I guess at that point in time when Jesus said it, maybe not that long), unearth itself and fling itself into the sea? At least without alien space guns involved. It's too impossible to fathom. And for me I think that finding that ONE person to spend my life with in sickness and health, till death do us part, out of the billion people that exist on planet earth (not really looking for an alien partner, although they kick ass in movies), seems about as likely as Pikes Peak being torn off Colorado Springs and throw into some lake somewhere, since there's no oceans around. But if we're talking about this really happening, then I'm sure it can fly hundreds of miles to the nearest ocean, wherever that might be...I'm not good at geography. I only know north, south, east and west when I lived in Colorado Springs because the mountain range served as my compass.
But back to beliefs. Believing in God and Jesus is as innate in me as believing that the sky is blue and we need oxygen to breathe. I was raised in the church since I was born, so just like all the other things we learn as a child- an orange is orange and a cow says's true facts to me. But when I'm introduced to a totally new way of thinking, that involves an imaginary source of power, energy, light, wavelengths, whatever it is, that the Universe is providing but yet somehow I'm in charge of based on how positive or focused I think, you might as well be speaking to me in Chinese. Even if I had a translator, I still wouldn't be able to pick up on a word I heard before, like I can do with Spanish. Spanish has letters and sounds that I'm capable of making with my mouth...Chinese does not. I feel like I haven't got a clue what's going on. I'm not even sure how to process it all. It's so foreign to me, or maybe I'm too old to learn something like this. I'm set in my ways. I've already learned an orange is orange. So if you painted an orange blue and said now an orange is blue, I wouldn't believe it. I would say, it's just painted. But I'm getting off topic. I WANT to believe that God or the Universe or someone somewhere is directing me on a pathway and in charge. I certainly am not. What's really hard is when you feel your life isn't moving as quickly as you had hoped. You start to feel forgotten, left out, lost and alone. AND in my case, like it's something I'M doing. I'M not positive enough. I'M not sending out the right signals to the Universe. I'M not focusing my energy in just the right spot. OR on the God side of things- I'M not praying hard enough or I'M not a good enough Christian to deserve a like-minded Christian. (I'm a liberal Christian, FYI, I think we're few and far between. There's me..and Kristin Chenoweth).
Whatever the case may be, life is a journey. I am where I am. I am WHO I am. No one person is going to change me, but I can chill, live life, do my job, take care of my friends, spend time with my family, just BE. And who knows what will come from that. I'm not going to magically ever be okay being single without someone to spend my life with. It's how I was made. I think it's how we were all made, but some people (for whatever reasons they might have), decide or accept that they won't find someone. I don't know anything about that because I'm not one of these people. But I believe some people choose to be alone or don't take advantage of that person right in front of them asking them to love them...sorry I digressed into a Julia Roberts movie...whether God or the Universe is listening or helping me or pointing me in the right direction, is beyond me, really. Again this blog isn't about answers. I can just do all that I can do, (like the list I provided), and maybe one day someone will join me on this crazy roller coaster ride of life. If not...I'll just get a dog...
I leave you with this quote from an episode of "Bored to Death" I just so happened to watch today. The main character Jonathan was talking about how visualizing helped him in this situation he was in and he did something he has never done before, nor could he have ever imagined doing, and Ted Danson's characters response, made me laugh: Jonathan: "'s about visualizing delusional things and then believing in them." George- "but isn't that schizophrenia??"
I like this blog because it gives me the freedom to express without rebuttal. I mean, I guess people could comment, but I'm not here to get into some deep psychological debate over the meaning of life or existence of God or the Universe's power or whatever. This is my contemplations. Not answers. So please ponder, but unless you agree or have something positive to add, best to keep your opinions to yourself. wink wink. Thank you kindly.
But back to beliefs. Believing in God and Jesus is as innate in me as believing that the sky is blue and we need oxygen to breathe. I was raised in the church since I was born, so just like all the other things we learn as a child- an orange is orange and a cow says's true facts to me. But when I'm introduced to a totally new way of thinking, that involves an imaginary source of power, energy, light, wavelengths, whatever it is, that the Universe is providing but yet somehow I'm in charge of based on how positive or focused I think, you might as well be speaking to me in Chinese. Even if I had a translator, I still wouldn't be able to pick up on a word I heard before, like I can do with Spanish. Spanish has letters and sounds that I'm capable of making with my mouth...Chinese does not. I feel like I haven't got a clue what's going on. I'm not even sure how to process it all. It's so foreign to me, or maybe I'm too old to learn something like this. I'm set in my ways. I've already learned an orange is orange. So if you painted an orange blue and said now an orange is blue, I wouldn't believe it. I would say, it's just painted. But I'm getting off topic. I WANT to believe that God or the Universe or someone somewhere is directing me on a pathway and in charge. I certainly am not. What's really hard is when you feel your life isn't moving as quickly as you had hoped. You start to feel forgotten, left out, lost and alone. AND in my case, like it's something I'M doing. I'M not positive enough. I'M not sending out the right signals to the Universe. I'M not focusing my energy in just the right spot. OR on the God side of things- I'M not praying hard enough or I'M not a good enough Christian to deserve a like-minded Christian. (I'm a liberal Christian, FYI, I think we're few and far between. There's me..and Kristin Chenoweth).
Whatever the case may be, life is a journey. I am where I am. I am WHO I am. No one person is going to change me, but I can chill, live life, do my job, take care of my friends, spend time with my family, just BE. And who knows what will come from that. I'm not going to magically ever be okay being single without someone to spend my life with. It's how I was made. I think it's how we were all made, but some people (for whatever reasons they might have), decide or accept that they won't find someone. I don't know anything about that because I'm not one of these people. But I believe some people choose to be alone or don't take advantage of that person right in front of them asking them to love them...sorry I digressed into a Julia Roberts movie...whether God or the Universe is listening or helping me or pointing me in the right direction, is beyond me, really. Again this blog isn't about answers. I can just do all that I can do, (like the list I provided), and maybe one day someone will join me on this crazy roller coaster ride of life. If not...I'll just get a dog...
I leave you with this quote from an episode of "Bored to Death" I just so happened to watch today. The main character Jonathan was talking about how visualizing helped him in this situation he was in and he did something he has never done before, nor could he have ever imagined doing, and Ted Danson's characters response, made me laugh: Jonathan: "'s about visualizing delusional things and then believing in them." George- "but isn't that schizophrenia??"
I like this blog because it gives me the freedom to express without rebuttal. I mean, I guess people could comment, but I'm not here to get into some deep psychological debate over the meaning of life or existence of God or the Universe's power or whatever. This is my contemplations. Not answers. So please ponder, but unless you agree or have something positive to add, best to keep your opinions to yourself. wink wink. Thank you kindly.
Saturday, September 8, 2012
Universal Desire
Everyone wants one thing. LOVE. Everyone receives and gives love differently. If you find that match; that other person that receives the love you give with joy and happiness and you in turn also like the love they give, well then, you're one very lucky duck. Or other animal of your choosing. Confused yet? This is only the beginning.
If you grew up in the church, in a Christian setting, you might believe that "God answers prayers." That "God performs miracles." And you might be very right in that thinking. And that's a great thing to believe; especially when things go your way. But what if they don't? Are you being punished? Are you not being heard? Are you forgotten? Maybe God put you on his TO-DO list but you got bumped to the bottom, or deleted by God' dog pushing on keyboard buttons with his paws, because he was trying to get God's attention. Like all of us mortals on earth are.
There's another spiritual realm of thinking that says "The Universe" will give us what we ask for. When we visualize it. When we put out good vibes. Focus on what we really want. Put all our energy into a single thought or a single desire. You can get anything you want. And if that "thing" is a new bike, an XBOX or something tangible like that. I'm sure if you are always focusing on it, you will end up working towards obtaining that object, one way or another. Or the universe will surprise you with it as a gift.
But what if this "ONE thing" was another human being? and that human being could be male or female? They could be living anywhere in the world right now. The stars would have to align and that person would have to be in your direct pathway, either physically or electronically (which is how it goes nowadays). And they would have to be ready for a relationship, and would have to be also intune to the signs the Universe is giving and have their eyes open and take advantage of that moment with that person. In this case that person is me. I am keeping my eyes peeled, but so far, the other person is either hiding or hanging out in Japan somewhere. Either that, or the people I've met are not listening to the signs of the Universe and even though we've met, they didn't take the cues, and have missed out on knowing one of the greatest people on this planet. haha just kidding. I haven't met everyone on the planet, how am I to know who's the greatest?
What is most frustrating is seeing people around you constantly meeting "their one," and feeling like the kid picked last at dodgeball. Well actually, the kid not picked at all, because nobody saw him standing there. He maybe felt like he was a ghost. Can anybody see me?? And with these people who have found their better half it is SO easy for them to say- "you'll find the one," "if you stop looking you'll be surprised who shows up." "You gotta just be happy being single, love yourself, don't worry about meeting someone. they'll never make you happy." But wait! isn't the reason you are with someone in a marriage relationship or dating relationship, is because they make you happy, in the long run?? Of course not every minute of every day, that's insane and impossible. But if they truly never ever made you happy, you wouldn't be dating them in the first place, or living with them and you certainly wouldn't be married to them. Of course a partner makes you happy! If not, then yeah, be by youself! I have a ton of fun with myself and am happy doing everything I want, when I want and partaking in all the things I love and care about. But I definitely would be happier having someone to talk to on a saturday night in bed, or first thing in the morning when you still have morning breath. I know this to be true because I have been in relationships before, and I have been very happy, and I have thouroughly enjoyed those relationships...thus, why I was in them.
I'm not going to delve into how to find this person, this love or whatever. not tonight. and if I had that answer, I would be with someone on this beautiful saturday night, and not at home starting a blog. But this blog isn't for answers. It's for contemplations, musings, wonderments.
I'm aknowledging that I believe the greatest desire of human beings is to be loved. Maybe for some, a friend, a father, a mother, even a dog or cat is enough. For me, I need that physical love. that skin on skin contact with another human person. that hand to hold. that big and little spoon. That attention, connection and overall being heard-ness, that a friend just can't provide on a daily basis, or in my case not even on a weekly basis. I need face to face eye contact. Text just will not do. I'm not a child of the digital age. Our poor children...I hope they don't turn into robots who don't know how to talk to people in person, and can't love with body language, instead using their current means, which is letter abbreviations that stand for actual words.
Well, that's all for now. Not that I'm done talking. I just feel that this post is already too long and once people see that, they'll probably go "yeah, not gonna read all that." But this is Christie's Contemplations. So it is really for me, Christie. But if anybody else takes something from it, then by golly, that's awesome. Until next time...
(oh. and the profile pic is me contemplating as to why I put sponge rollers in my hair?? or I had just woken up. who's to really know for sure??)
If you grew up in the church, in a Christian setting, you might believe that "God answers prayers." That "God performs miracles." And you might be very right in that thinking. And that's a great thing to believe; especially when things go your way. But what if they don't? Are you being punished? Are you not being heard? Are you forgotten? Maybe God put you on his TO-DO list but you got bumped to the bottom, or deleted by God' dog pushing on keyboard buttons with his paws, because he was trying to get God's attention. Like all of us mortals on earth are.
There's another spiritual realm of thinking that says "The Universe" will give us what we ask for. When we visualize it. When we put out good vibes. Focus on what we really want. Put all our energy into a single thought or a single desire. You can get anything you want. And if that "thing" is a new bike, an XBOX or something tangible like that. I'm sure if you are always focusing on it, you will end up working towards obtaining that object, one way or another. Or the universe will surprise you with it as a gift.
But what if this "ONE thing" was another human being? and that human being could be male or female? They could be living anywhere in the world right now. The stars would have to align and that person would have to be in your direct pathway, either physically or electronically (which is how it goes nowadays). And they would have to be ready for a relationship, and would have to be also intune to the signs the Universe is giving and have their eyes open and take advantage of that moment with that person. In this case that person is me. I am keeping my eyes peeled, but so far, the other person is either hiding or hanging out in Japan somewhere. Either that, or the people I've met are not listening to the signs of the Universe and even though we've met, they didn't take the cues, and have missed out on knowing one of the greatest people on this planet. haha just kidding. I haven't met everyone on the planet, how am I to know who's the greatest?
What is most frustrating is seeing people around you constantly meeting "their one," and feeling like the kid picked last at dodgeball. Well actually, the kid not picked at all, because nobody saw him standing there. He maybe felt like he was a ghost. Can anybody see me?? And with these people who have found their better half it is SO easy for them to say- "you'll find the one," "if you stop looking you'll be surprised who shows up." "You gotta just be happy being single, love yourself, don't worry about meeting someone. they'll never make you happy." But wait! isn't the reason you are with someone in a marriage relationship or dating relationship, is because they make you happy, in the long run?? Of course not every minute of every day, that's insane and impossible. But if they truly never ever made you happy, you wouldn't be dating them in the first place, or living with them and you certainly wouldn't be married to them. Of course a partner makes you happy! If not, then yeah, be by youself! I have a ton of fun with myself and am happy doing everything I want, when I want and partaking in all the things I love and care about. But I definitely would be happier having someone to talk to on a saturday night in bed, or first thing in the morning when you still have morning breath. I know this to be true because I have been in relationships before, and I have been very happy, and I have thouroughly enjoyed those relationships...thus, why I was in them.
I'm not going to delve into how to find this person, this love or whatever. not tonight. and if I had that answer, I would be with someone on this beautiful saturday night, and not at home starting a blog. But this blog isn't for answers. It's for contemplations, musings, wonderments.
I'm aknowledging that I believe the greatest desire of human beings is to be loved. Maybe for some, a friend, a father, a mother, even a dog or cat is enough. For me, I need that physical love. that skin on skin contact with another human person. that hand to hold. that big and little spoon. That attention, connection and overall being heard-ness, that a friend just can't provide on a daily basis, or in my case not even on a weekly basis. I need face to face eye contact. Text just will not do. I'm not a child of the digital age. Our poor children...I hope they don't turn into robots who don't know how to talk to people in person, and can't love with body language, instead using their current means, which is letter abbreviations that stand for actual words.
Well, that's all for now. Not that I'm done talking. I just feel that this post is already too long and once people see that, they'll probably go "yeah, not gonna read all that." But this is Christie's Contemplations. So it is really for me, Christie. But if anybody else takes something from it, then by golly, that's awesome. Until next time...
(oh. and the profile pic is me contemplating as to why I put sponge rollers in my hair?? or I had just woken up. who's to really know for sure??)
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