I read that statement on a friend's Facebook status this morning. I'm gonna say she didn't come up with it, because it was in quotes...unless she was quoting herself, but nonetheless, it's an awesome quote and I wish I had come up with it myself! I LOVE hugs. Like love them love them. I didn't realize how much I loved them until my good friend Jen started to give me the tightest hugs known to man. When we worked together, I used to seek her out just for a hug...well and to talk to her because she is one of the nicest people on this earth, but her hugs were like crack to me. I miss not getting them as often...Most people give real lame ass hugs. Like a side hug with a light pat on the bag. I'd rather get no hug than a lame wimpy one. But I'm not one to hug just anyone. Ya gotta be a really good friend of mine to get a good hug from me. And some people aren't huggers, so you gotta weigh them out. I get massages because I don't get enough hugs. I've started hugging my babies I work with and kissing their fat little cheeks as much as I can; the ones that will let me and whose parents I know would be okay with that. It does help a little, but their bodies are so teeny tiny, so it's not like a big person's hug. But today, I got one of those unexpected hugs. And it made my day. It was from a 2 year old boy with Down Syndrome. He hugged his playmate who also had down syndrome and then me! And it was actually a good hug. A real hug. I love that at 2 years old, he already knows how to give good hugs. For a while until babies learn how to do it the right way, they just lean towards you, with their mouths open for what is their version of a kiss, and sorta just lean their bodies in for a hug. They want you to hug them. And I do. Big bear hugs if I can get them. It's very rare to have one of my babies hug me. It filled my heart with joy and happiness.
Sometimes hugs are hard to come by. I found out tonight that a new voice, singing a sweet song, can be a "hug" in its own way. At a coffeeshop tonight, I heard this girl sing, whose voice was like iced tea on a warm Texas summer night. She looked like Emma Stone and sounded like Norah Jones. But not exactly like her. She had her own special qualities that made her stand out. I stood there with my mouth open, because she was pretty unbelievable and I was surprised to hear she didn't have an album, and was so humble in person about her voice, like she had no idea how amazing she was. I told her- I look forward to hearing your album someday. I guess I could've said- your voice is like an unexpected hug...but I don't think she would've gotten it...
So you don't like the hugs from random street preachers?? Or kisses either? ;-)